Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Mathew 1: 18 – 25

I read this in ODB this morning;

As we approach Christmas, it’s good to remember why Jesus was born. The Son of God did not come to establish a nostalgic, family-oriented, commercially successful holiday. The angel told Joseph: “[Mary] will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21).

Other than that scene from a Charlie Brown Christmas, I think the above statement is something that must be passed along. We need to bring the message of relief from our sins.
I've been trying for a while to determine just exactly what sin is. I know that according to Paul, we all suffer from this condition and fall short of the glory of God. I also know that if we try to look up a definition, it seems to be a willful act. Looking into it further still, we find that he word sin, in the new testament, comes from the Greek word hamartia which means to miss the target. I think I like that one the best.
I used to play darts and I developed a good eye for the bullseye. Just like all the good target shooters, I had a way to center myself, aim at the target, and throw the dart at the same speed, with the same arc and spin, every time. Because of the mechanics of what produced a bullseye in the past, it was assumed by me that I should hit the bullseye every time, yet I would miss more than I hit.
Why? My routine never varied. I was a dart throwing machine, yet I would miss the target. So, to win all my games, I needed someone to change all my misses to bullseyes, just like I need a savior today to forgive my sins as if they didn't even happen.
We are created to each be the apple of God's eye. He loves us and wants to spend eternity with us.
The problem is that sin separates us from God, so he sent His Son to save us, and remove our sin by His sacrifice.
With His help, it's like we hit the target every single time.

He came into this world a babe,
This world that He Himself had made;
He came to do the Father’s will,
That ended on dark Calvary’s hill. —Newstrom

Jesus came to earth to repair our sin-damaged lives.

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