Tuesday, April 28, 2009


1Pe 5:8 ¶ Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Have you been smelling the lion’s breathe recently? Have you nearly gagged on its odious smell?
After a particular difficult time, Pastor A.W. Tozer noted the following: “I will tell you something, it is a delightful thing when you are close enough to the adversary that you can hear him roar! Too many Christians never get into lion country at all!”
Many of us may be saying to ourselves right now; isn’t 1 peter 5:8 supposed to be a warning to stay away, to be on guard? Why would I want to get close to the lion?
After thinking about this I have to conclude that we must charge headlong into the lion’s den.
Because if we don’t, who will?
If you look at nature, lions prey on the weak, infirm, sick, young and old, those too weak to seek the protection of the herd.
If you read further in that chapter, it advises us to resist the devil, standing on our faith because we know that brothers around the world are going under the same kind of suffering.

Because we have become too comfortable and complacent, compromising ourselves for peace in our lives. We look for peace at all costs, perhaps at the cost of our soul.

How can we then take things easy?
Jesus did not promise us a quiet life (or peace) after coming to believe in him. In fact, he told that we will be persecuted because of him.

Boldly walk into the heart of lion country. Do this for your, your family for your brothers and for yourselves. Hear his roar, but do not go it alone.
We need the protection of the herd.

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