Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Exodus 15: 22 – 27

25 Then Moses cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became sweet. There the LORD made a decree and a law for them, and there he tested them.
26 He said, "If you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you."
He who has ears let him hear. I’m not sure how many times that particular phrase is written into the word of God, but, I know it’s more than once. We all go through tough times in our lives, and we have a tendency to complain about it, loudly and often, and the more we think about things the louder we get in our grievances.
The children of Israel had not gone far from the shore of the Red Sea when the realities of their new freedom began to register. They no longer enjoyed the ample food and water supply of Egypt. Now, after traveling 3 days into the wilderness, the large crowd had no water. And when they finally arrived at the oasis of Marah, the water was bitter.
Thus the children of Israel were compelled to rely on a miracle. So they cried out to Moses, and Moses cried out to the Lord. The Lord showed him a tree, which Moses cast into the water. Miraculously, the water turned sweet.
Like the Israelites, I grouse about my situation and try my own solutions before relying on God and searching for the miraculous.
Be honest now, and think, how often is the first thing you do when trouble comes is pray to God for a solution? I know we all get there eventually, but usually, we ask God the “Why does this always happen to me” question first, but, that is complaining and really doesn’t qualify as prayer.
We have to learn to use God as our first solution to our issues, not wait until things spiral out of control before crying out to him. The Israelites, only thinking about themselves and their problem, would have died of thirst if Moses hadn’t prayed to God for an answer.
If we have a seemingly impossible need today, remember that the hand that supplied our greatest need (forgiveness of sin) is the same hand that can adequately supply all your needs. Trust Him to accomplish things that seem impossible.

When our problems overwhelm us,
God wants us to look to Him;
He provides the right solutions
Lighting paths that once were dim. —Sper

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