Friday, June 26, 2009


Nehemiah 4: 14 – 23

Things are tough all over. That appears to be a popular sentiment these days with the economy tanking and gas prices soaring again. Families are worried about the future as they watch their pensions melt away.
In other words.
We are in a pickle, it feels as if we are under threat of attack from every corner of our lives. Many of us look towards the onslaught fearing that we are about to be overwhelmed.
We're boned!
And, it don't matter how you look at it.
The best thing we can do about our situation is to rely on God and pray.

14 And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, "Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses."

The walls of Jerusalem were down and, with the walls down they had no defense, all the enemies of the Israelites were poised ready to attack, fear ruled the day. Everybody was wondering when they were going to be taken out, and from what direction their enemy was going to come.
With nowhere else to turn, the people finally turned to God for help.

15 Our enemies learned that we knew all about their plan and that God had frustrated it. And we went back to the wall and went to work.
19 Then I spoke to the nobles and officials and everyone else: "There’s a lot of work going on and we are spread out all along the wall, separated from each other.
20 When you hear the trumpet call, join us there; our God will fight for us."
21 And so we kept working, from first light until the stars came out, half of us holding lances.

Prayer, fellowship, diligence and reliance on God, are examples of what we can use in our lives today.
We feel as if there are holes in all our defenses, the enemy is barking at our door, and we need good Christian fellowship to help us through these tough days. Oh! And it can't hurt to pray.
As a matter of fact, prayer is the most important thing to do.
God will fight our battles.
We just go along for the ride.
Working with and for each other strengthens us and grows our faith.
Improving our reliance on, and walk with God makes us better able to be leaders in our families, churches, and communities.
Let's get together and build a few walls with our friends.

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