Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Proverbs 6 16 – 19

16 Here are six things GOD hates, and one more that he loathes with a passion:
17 eyes that are arrogant, a tongue that lies, hands that murder the innocent,
18 a heart that hatches evil plots, feet that race down a wicked track,
19 a mouth that lies under oath, a troublemaker in the family.

(An audible “gulp” is heard in the audience)
I never like it when I read about the things that God dislikes, or “loathes with a passion”.
Because I usually have these qualities, and feel guilty enough without having them pointed out to me again, or have had them in the past, and worked hard to overcome them.
Proverbs are usually where I run into these peccadilloes. There I am reading through psalms feeling the love of God, when suddenly I hit proverbs and begin to see the blackness that still resides in my heart.
I see the things that I have tried very hard to cover up. Those are the times that the old feelings come rushing to the surface and have to be dealt with. And, that's the issue at hand. I don't want to deal with these things! I want all these feelings, attitudes, and behaviors painted over with a coat of glossy whiteness and hope that it was enough to cover up the blackness underneath.
There are 31 proverbs, the wisdom of today says that if there are 31 proverbs, and 31 days of the month, then we should read a proverb a day.
Okay. I'll try that for a while as I read my way through the rest of the Bible. But, that bumpy road, leads me to look into my heart so that I may repent of the sins that I have covered and ask for forgiveness.
In other words, I take up so much time dealing with these issues, that I can't progress with the rest of my reading.
Boy I sure know how to ramble.
Sometimes that's the problem. I try to evade the issues so that sorta goes a long with the tongue that lies. I hide my emotions from other people and I guess that equals a heart that hatches evil plots.
Now, if I can find two things without breaking a sweat, then the rest of the things that are loathed by God reside right here in my heart.

I think I will stop now to keep from rambling on some more.
Read the proverbs, as well as the rest of the books in the Bible. When you get to the parts that reflect the true feelings of your heart, deal with them immediately.

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