Monday, September 7, 2009


Luke 7: 1 – 10

Don't you just hate it when you perceive a prayer as going unanswered?
I mean, after all how long do we have to wait for some results to our request?
Is it us?
Are we out of line?
Is God listening?
Do we have enough faith?
These questions and more will rattle around our heads when we think that God has turned a deaf ear to us and our requests.
The thing is, we are depending on our own timing and selfish desires. Waiting is not really in our nature.
We want what we want when we want it.
I guess it really comes down to trust.
Do we have the faith to trust God and his judgment?

6 Jesus went with them. When he was still quite far from the house, the captain sent friends to tell him, "Master, you don’t have to go to all this trouble. I’m not that good a person, you know. I’d be embarrassed for you to come to my house,
7 even embarrassed to come to you in person. Just give the order and my servant will get well.
8 I’m a man under orders; I also give orders. I tell one soldier, ‘Go,’ and he goes; another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; my slave, ‘Do this,’ and he does it."
9 Taken aback, Jesus addressed the accompanying crowd: "I’ve yet to come across this kind of simple trust anywhere in Israel, the very people who are supposed to know about God and how he works."

We don't have to run those crazy thoughts through our heads.
It's not about us and our fears and impatience.
It's about trust in God.
He knows what is best and when the timing is right.

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