Saturday, September 6, 2008


1 Thessalonians 5: 14 – 24
Have you at some time found yourself under extreme pressure? Have there been episodes in your life when you were so burdened by tasks and responsibilities that there was simply no breathing space to prepare for your service to God?
I have to admit that I kinda like the pressure to perform. That doesn't mean that I always succeed in what ever I am doing, to tell the truth, I fail a lot,and when I fail, it is because I have let go of the Holy Spirit and tried to do things my way.
Part of what I do in my church is teach Jr. high Sunday School, something which I got a lot of satisfaction from. I was even singled out by my Pastor's wife once who told me that I am their children's favorite teacher. I was both embarrassed and lifted up by this because I don't take compliments well.
What was born from this episode has been a tendency to not prepare for the lessons I was to teach, the result has been that I have felt that my effectiveness has gone down the tubes, and I'm sure the kids have noticed.
I let go of the things that got me there. I left the Holy Spirit behind. I have failed myself and I have failed those kids.
God deserves our best, and I have not given it to him in this part of my life. I have not been prepared to teach.
I need to repent and ask for his forgiveness.
These are the type of things that Paul is teaching us to avoid. In the T's (1 Thessalonians – Titus) he tells us that not only do we have to be prepared, but how to be prepared. Paul teaches us to rely on the Holy Spirit to fill us and lead us, so that we may share the spirit with others.
14 And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.
16 ¶ Be joyful always;
17 pray continually;
18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Give of your best to the Master,
Give Him first place in your heart
;Give Him first place in your service,
Consecrate every part. —Grose

Be faithful—and leave the results to God.

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