Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Exodus 22: 22 – 27
I read this story in ODB this morning and it angered me.
CNN recently reported that there are approximately 40 million widows in India. Fifteen thousand of them live on the streets of the northern city of Vrindavan. Unfortunately, many of their families do not hear their cries. A 70-year-old widow says, “My son tells me: ‘You have grown old. Now who is going to feed you? Go away.’?” She cries, “What do I do? My pain has no limit.”
I had a grandmother who lived to be 104 years old, and I could never have had the attitude that this man had for his mother anymore than I could fly in the air, I would have gladly laid down my life for her. And, this was before I got saved!
I just don't understand the kind of attitude that would allow anyone to let a widow, or a child with no parents, go hungry and without shelter. I know, I know, we have a homeless problem in this country,heck, we have this problem world wide, and some of them are widows and orphans. I have also done what I could by donating to homeless causes, volunteered at a shelter, stood on the streets in winter handing out blankets and food to those who needed them, and prayed with them and for them while on vacation.
Please forgive me. As I re-read this, I realize that it appears that I am boasting of the things I did, I am not, I am hopeful that it comes across that God will was served and that glory was given to His name.
I did these things because we are instructed to in the Bible.
22 "Do not take advantage of a widow or an orphan.
23 If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry.
The Israelites were commanded to care for others as a remembrance of their experience in Egypt. When they were in trouble and cried out to God, He heard their cries and helped them. So their memory of oppression and release was intended to mold their values, attitudes, and actions toward the powerless in the land (Deut. 24:18-22).
So, don't turn a blind eye to those in need. Take a few minutes and do a good deed for someone who needs it. Donate your time, donate some money, organize a blanket drive, do whatever you can, because God really wants you to.
You will reap the benefits.

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