Friday, July 4, 2008


2 Timothy 1: 6 – 12

I have a helmet sticker that reads; “Salvation is not for wimps”. Some will read this and see the image of nails being driven into flesh (after all that is the artwork on the sticker), but there will be others who will know the courage that it takes to serve Jesus with all you got.
When I was in my late teens, maybe early twenties, my friends and I would go to swim in the quarries in Hingham. These were very cool places to swim; the water was crystal clear and cool, the only problem was that the only way to get to the water was to jump. This jump was very intimidating. Depending on which quarry we swam that day, it could be anywhere between 6 to what seemed like 150 feet. I was scared. I was also with a group of guys my age that were my friends, and soon to be liquored up on cheap beer, if I didn’t go along and jump, I would never hear the end of it.
I needed courage.
I felt like I was flying, it also felt like I just jumped off the top of the Empire State Building and was about to crash onto the pavement below and really ruin somebody’s day, but I did it. I jumped, and it didn’t matter what my reasons were, I took that leap of faith that I would live through the experience.
(All that now remained was the climb back up the rock walls)

7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
8 So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God,

Courage is one thing you need if you want to get God’s work done.
Courage makes a good theory, but sometimes we need help to practice it. We have many opportunities to step out of our comfort zone to serve God. When we don’t have courage, we need to be reminded of God’s promise in 2 Timothy, and we need others’ encouragement to take the leap.

We really do need courage to step out of our “comfort zone” (aren’t you sick of hearing that phrase?) and take that leap of faith (can I possibly think of anymore clichés).

I guess the bottom line is; don’t be ashamed of your belief in God. Let others know what it’s like to have that kind of relationship. Tell others what God has done in your life and maybe, just maybe, they will come to know courage too.

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