Saturday, July 19, 2008

Create Your Own God

Psalm 146

At work one day, I got into a discussion with another staff member. We were talking about what is right and what is wrong. She believed that it is an amorphous subject. People create their own ideals of what is right and wrong. I disagreed. I told her that there was definitely a right and wrong for everybody to which she disagreed.
I then said well, what if I think its right to shoot you? She said that would be wrong because it is against the law. I asked who determined that. She said;”law makers”. I then said that there really was a right and wrong then. She continued to disagree.

A report in Newsweek magazine said a youth pastor asked his teens who they think God is. One said He was like his grandfather: “He’s there, but I never see him.” Another suggested He is “an evil being who wants to punish me all the time.” The last teen concluded that everyone is right because that’s what they really believe.
Do we decide who God is by taking a poll? Is He a being we can make up as we go along? This create-your-own-deity idea is increasingly popular today. And it is extremely dangerous. It robs us of knowing who our heavenly Father really is as Scripture describes Him.

5 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God,
6 the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them the LORD, who remains faithful for ever.

So, how do I wrap this up?

I guess God is who he is and not who we choose him to be.

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