Sunday, July 13, 2008


Philippians 4: 10 – 19

I have been in situations like Paul describes. I’ve had times when I was comfortable, and times when I had nothing. Heck, there was even a time when I was homeless. There is one thing that I was never able to accomplish though; I was never content no matter what my situation was.
Now don’t get “all up in my grill” thinking that I’m comparing my life to that of the Apostle Paul. All I’m saying is that I can relate to some of his experiences, and realize that I don’t measure up to his example.
Let’s ask ourselves; what is the difference in our lives from that of Paul’s?

Hab.19 The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.

Strength in the Lord; I have a confession to make here, (I’m sure you all can relate) I say that I rely on God for everything. Truth be told, I sometimes rely on my own strength to get by. I really do try to FROG, but I come up short, a lot.

13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Paul not only said this line of advice, I’m sure that he lived it, relying on the strength that only God can give.
In all of life, we need the strength of our God. He alone can give us “feet” that are swift and strong. He alone can equip us for all of the uncertainties of life, for He alone is our strength. Along with Paul, we can be assured: “My God shall supply all your need”.

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